Conference Registration

Conference Registrations are opened in ELO Website.

Reminder: Monday September 23th and Tuesday September 24th, 2013 are free open day. Performances at Le Cube-Centre de création numérique and the admission to the exhibition “les littératures numériques d’hier à demain” at the Labo BnF – BnF | François-Mitterand are free also

List of Selected Artists

Author Work Device Country
Annie Abrahams ReadingClub Performance France
Compagnie de spectacles “Alis” La Séparation / Separation Performance France
Compagnie de spectacles “Alis” La Séparation / Separation Virtual Gallery France
Johannes Auer Search Trilogy Virtual Gallery Germany
Wilton Azevedo Scripturesphere – Take it Performance Brazil
Sandy Baldwin Svaha, Tantra, Death: A Second Life Performance Performance USA
René Bauer Search Trilogy Virtual Gallery Germany
René Bauer AndOrDada Documentation Switzerland
Sus Berkenheger Time for the Smart Bomb? Touch-Pads Works Germany
Alan Bigelow In A World Without Electricity Virtual Gallery USA
Kenza Boda Caprice Touch-Pads Works France
Jay Bolter The Surface of Water: Worlds of Anders Zorn Documentation USA
Philippe Bootz The pong ping poem Performance France
Philippe Bootz Brosse à fiction Touch-Pads Works France
Philippe Bootz Parle-moi Virtual Gallery France
Benoit Bordeleau Dérives Virtual Gallery Canada
Serge Bouchardon Tournament of la Poéstry, a netprov Documentation France
Mez Breeze The Dead Tower Virtual Gallery Australia
Roman Bromboszcz GetLiternet Documentation Poland
Mimi Cabell Story of O Virtual Gallery USA
Andy Campbell The Dead Tower Virtual Gallery Australia
Danny Cannizzaro Penumbra Touch-Pads Works USA
J.R. Carpenter Notes on the Voyage of Owl and Girl Performance UK
J.R. Carpenter … and by islands I mean paragraphs Virtual Gallery UK
Philippe Castellin Flux RSS Virtual Gallery France
Philippe Castellin Lectures assistées par ordinateur Performance France
John Cayley Writing to be Found Performance USA
John Cayley How It Is in Common Tongues Documentation USA
David Clark Meantime in Greenwich Touch-Pads Works Canada
Ian Clarkson @tempspence in Paris Documentation USA
Collectif “Conduit d’Aération” Conduit d’Aération Performance France
Collectif “Conduit d’Aération” Conduit d’Aération Touch-Pads Works France
M.D. Coverley/Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink Califia Reimagined Touch-Pads Works USA
M.D. Coverley/Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink Tarim Tapestries Virtual Gallery USA
Luc dall’Armelina Flu Performance France
Ernesto León Gustavo De la Rosa-Carrillo Literacy of the glitch Virtual Gallery USA
Sandrine Deumier Code Kandy Performance France
Maria Engberg The Surface of Water: Worlds of Anders Zorn Documentation USA
Louis Eveillard Arsène Lupin Touch-Pads Works France
Natalia Fedorova Machine libertine Documentation USA
Lauren Fenton MetaBook.1: The Book of Luna Documentation USA
Caitlin Fisher 200 Castles: an echo chamber for generating parallel and imaginary universes Touch-Pads Works Canada
Jerome Fletcher The Fetch Performance UK
Chris Funkhouser Funk’s SoundBox 2012 Virtual Gallery USA
Stéphane Gantelet Le dossier est vide Performance France
Loss Pequeño Glazier Broméliacées à face blanche sur 20 hectares Virtual Gallery USA
Jean-François Gleyze Dicotron – le dictionnaire collaboratif Touch-Pads Works France
Jean-François Gleyze Exquises requêtes – écriture programmatique sur Google Virtual Gallery France
Maria Goicoechea Off Course: Escuela del Caos Documentation
Samantha Gorman Penumbra Touch-Pads Works USA
Emmanuel Guez ReadingClub Performance France
Ian Hatcher Prosthesis: !! Performance USA
N. Katherine Hayles Speculation Documentation USA
Johannes Helden Evolution Virtual Gallery Sweden
Sara Heft Snow Virtual Gallery USA
Johannes Helden Evolution Performance Sweden
Richard Holeton Figurski at Findhorn on Acid Documentation USA
Daniel Howe How It Is in Common Tongues Documentation USA
Brendan Howell Text’n’FX Performance Germany
HP Process (Philippe Boisnard & Hortense Gauthier) Words City Documentation France
HP Process (Philippe Boisnard & Hortense Gauthier) Contact Performance France
Collectif “i-Trace” La Séparation / Separation Performance France
Collectif “i-Trace” Opacité/Opacity Touch-Pads Works France
Collectif “i-Trace” La Séparation / Separation Virtual Gallery France
Andreas Maria Jacobs 11 Ways to escape the symbolic field Virtual Gallery Netherlands
Patrick Jagoda Speculation Documentation USA
Leona Jones ex(in)terior & Play on Words Documentation UK
Leona Jones Ecoutez Virtual Gallery UK
Håkan Jonson Evolution Performance Sweden
Sarah-Anne Joulie @tempspence in Paris Documentation USA
Chris Joseph Tube Lines Virtual Gallery UK
Michael Joyce The Surface of Water: Worlds of Anders Zorn Documentation USA
Robert Kalman Ecoutez Virtual Gallery Germany
Ianis Lallemand Description e-Readers France
Patrick LeMieux Speculation Documentation USA
Catherine Lenoble Petit bain Virtual Gallery France
Jason Edward Lewis Vital to the General Public Welfare Performance Canada
Jason Edward Lewis The P.o.E.M.M. Cycle Touch-Pads Works Canada
Tan Lin Machine Base Reading Projects Employing PowerPoint Performance USA
Carole Lipsyc 3 espaces Documentation France
Carole Lipsyc 3 espaces Touch-Pads Works France
Silvio Lorusso Flatland Virtual Gallery Italy
Caden Lovelace The Fetch Performance UK
Erik Loyer Strange rain Touch-Pads Works USA
Judy Malloy From Ireland with Letters Virtual Gallery USA
Myriam Marcil-Bergeron Dérives Virtual Gallery Canada
Mark Marino Off Course: Escuela del Caos Documentation USA
Mark Marino Tournament of la Poéstry, a netprov Documentation USA
Mark Marino @tempspence in Paris Documentation USA
Mark Marino Living Will Virtual Gallery USA
Taras Mashtalir machine libertine Documentation USA
Maria Mencia Transient self–portrait Virtual Gallery UK
An Mertens The Death of the Authors Virtual Gallery Belgium
Juliette Mézenc Le dossier est vide Performance France
Jalal Miftah Transient self–portrait Virtual Gallery UK
MIM poème percutant Performance France
Benjamin Moreno Ortiz Space Reader Performance USA
Judd Morrissey Operatus Performance USA
Fred Murie Post-mémoires Virtual Gallery France
Jason Nelson Dispersed Writings Performance Australia
Jason Nelson A new series of interactive digital poems designed specifically for tablets. Touch-Pads Works Australia
Jason Nelson The fifth in my series of art/Poetry games (currently untitled). Virtual Gallery Australia
Jakub Niedziela Hypertext adaptation of le manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse Virtual Gallery Poland
Chris Novello do videogames dream of electric sheep? Performance USA
Mayumi Okura Book Tales Touch-Pads Works France
Alx P.op code Kandy Performance France
Mariusz Pisarski Hypertext adaptation of le manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse Virtual Gallery Poland
Cassandre Poirier-Simon Le compagnon de route Virtual Gallery France
Cécile Portier Étant donné Performance France
Aaron Reed 18 cadence Virtual Gallery USA
Joellyn Rock Tournament of la Poéstry, a netprov Documentation USA
Enrique Rodriguez-Araujo Daphne City Documentation Colombia
Mark Sample House of Leaves of Grass Virtual Gallery USA
Carlos Sanchez-Lozano Daphne City Documentation Colombia
Anne Savelli Le terrain de je/u Performance France
Paula Sawyers @tempspence in Paris Documentation USA
Chloe Smith @tempspence in Paris Documentation USA
Femke Snelting The Death of the Authors Virtual Gallery Belgium
Alan Sondheim Svaha, Tantra, Death: A Second Life Performance Performance USA
Susana Sulic Autophagocitation Performance France
Beat Suter AndOrDada Documentation Switzerland
Beat Suter Search Trilogy Virtual Gallery Germany
Illya Szilak Queerskins Virtual Gallery USA
Gao Tian je l’ai déjà oubliée Virtual Gallery France
Jean Torregrosa lectures assistées par ordinateur Performance France
Giuliano Tosin Sim / Oui Performance Brazil
Reda Yacouby Transient self–portrait Virtual Gallery UK
Clea T. Waite MetaBook.1: The Book of Luna Documentation USA
Victoria Welby Dérives Virtual Gallery Canada
Elvia Wilk Kenny Drama Virtual Gallery Germany
Luers Will FINGERBEND Touch-Pads Works USA
Rob Wittig @tempspence in Paris Documentation USA
Rob Wittig Tournament of la Poéstry, a netprov Documentation USA

Complement to the Artistic Call

Complement to the artistic call of the event “Chercher le texte” (Locating the Text), Paris September 23 – 27, 2013

(The artistic call is closed since February 18th, 2013)

The item “documentation” has been added to the virtual gallery. It is intended to document off-line works that cannot be shown in performance (installations, interactive works using specific devices as kinnect, geolocalised narratives…) Use this item “document” in the device selection when you fill in the Artistic Submission Form.

The artistic call is opened to all creators, and not only young authors.

You can submit several proposals.

Proposals must be submitted before February 18th, 2013.

“Chercher le texte” Event

The Electronic Literature Organization 2013 Conference

Hosted by the Laboratoire Paragraphe and the EnsAD (Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs)
Paris, France, September 24-27, 2013
Deadline for Abstracts: December 31, 2012.

Keywords: e-literature, electronic literature, e-lit, digital literature, literature, world literature, literary semantic web, literariness, new materialisms, new media, locative media, archiving, language, actor-network theory, cognitive capitalism

The Electronic Literature Organization (, the leading organization devoted to electronic literature, announces its 2013 conference to be held in Paris, France, September 24-27, 2013. The conference is hosted by the Laboratoire Paragraphe and the EnsAD (Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs). Along with the conference organizers and hosts, other partners include: Université Paris 8, Laboratoire Transferts critiques et dynamiques des savoirs, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), and Le Cube. The official languages of the conference will be French and English.

Proposals are welcome on topics within electronic literature, including but not limited to:

  • Digital culture
  • Code and software studies
  • Digital art
  • Remediation
  • Translation of electronic literature
  • E-literature and the body
  • Digital poetics
  • Digital storytelling
  • Mobile/locative media
  • Preservation and digital cultural heritage

The conference title is “Chercher le Texte: Locating the Text in Electronic Literature.” Electronic literature is explicitly defined as literature. Yet there is great confusion about the concept of text at work in it. What defines the textuality of games, visual works, and works without any evident language? The ELO 2013 conference in Paris will confront such issues: to seek out the text and attempt to define the literariness of electronic literature.

Over the past two decades, while numerous creative and critical movements have taken hold within and without academia, creators have been newly conceiving, and scholars resituating, literary works in new media. Early warnings that we might all get “lost in hyperspace” were overcome fairly easily – perhaps too easily when one considers that our first, most challenging conceptions of electronic writing have never quite been realized. Is there a way to mark the multiplicity of new writing in new media? Can commonalities and distinctions among emerging literary practices be noted? Are there new possibilities for language-based forms in programmable media? Can scholarly discussions surrounding works be carried on over time and among various groups, in the media where the works are generated?

ELO 2013 seeks to open the discussion beyond the remediation of literary writing from print to screens, by looking at ways that literary works, and “literariness” generally, circulates through a world system that has itself altered dramatically in the years since the first works of e-lit were produced. New media, from this perspective, are just the most visible instance of emerging economic, social systems, remediations, and subjectivities that impact literary production (as they impact our lives) from every side. New media are now being described, and re-imagined, in terms of new materialisms; discourse networks find new and different alignments within and without institutions, and both human agency and authorial presence have taken on new and sometimes strange forms.

The Electronic Literature Organization and Université Paris 8 invite individual paper proposals, panel proposals, and proposals for alternative formats. Submit abstracts of 200-500 words to Easychair at Send questions to Joseph Tabbi <jtabbi at> or Philippe Bootz <philippe.bootz at>. A separate call for creative works will be issued shortly.